Having just spoken to one of the lovely counsellors, Louise Leadbetter, at Swan Hill Therapy Hub about CPD and learning she recommended having a look at Brené Brown's website.
It really struck a chord with me and strangely, I have been saying something along these lines to so many people recently.
Courage is contagious. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little better and the world a little braver. Brené Brown
Sometimes in life we have to be brave, take [educated] r...
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Dementia Friendly Trains
After a friend organising a memory walk a couple of weeks ago (well done Louise!), it got me thinking how travel can be tricky for people with dementia and any communication difficulties to be honest! Public transport can be disorientating and confusing, often people can no longer drive so it was great to read this article. This is such a great idea - Dementia Friendly Trains making travelling more accessible for people with dementia and the people that care for them. Take a read...
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Makaton Makes You Smile
I had the pleasure of delivering a Makaton Taster session to some lovely folk in Knighton a few weeks back. They are really keen to highlight the importance of communication and so the very lovely Julia Roberts has taken it upon herself to get as many members of the community Makaton trained. We had Guides leaders, a vicar, carers, teachers, scouts, and many more attending. Plans are in motion for further training and we hope to get as many places 'Makaton Friendly' as possible - if we had the w...
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Lego Based Therapy coming soon!
All the way back in June, Ami attended a course called 'Building Skills - Lego® based therapy' in Birmingham and learnt lots about an approach that she had been interested in for some time.
So what is a Lego® Based Therapy approach??
It is an evidence based approach which promotes social skills development through collaborative play
The group that will be running from Swan Hill Therapy & Training Hub will be best suited to children aged 7 to 11 years old. It is run in groups of 3 ch...
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Swan Hill Therapy and Training Hub is READY!!!!
Things are progressing really well at Swan Hill Therapy and Training Hub. We have our flyer ready Swan Hill Flyer for other professionals to browse to use the facilities.
Alex Taylor has done a brilliant job of painting the feature wall in my therapy room - I absolutely love it; as do all the clients. It's so important to have a relaxing space to come to for Speech, Language and Communication therapy.
The training room is all up and running and we're getting plenty booked in - take a look ...
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Upcoming Autism Training
In conjunction with Course Beetle I will be running a course for people who support the communication of children and young people with Autism. Elklan courses are great and very practical so if you or anyone you know works with pupils with Autism then come along and join the fun!
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Accessible Fun!!
Dot from Course Beetle signing with a willing participant!
Things really do seem to be changing for people with disabilities, both learning and physical. This article was really heart warming; such a great idea but it takes someone totally dedicated to the cause to pull it off!
As you may remember from posts back in May we collaborated with a group of Makaton tutors and Speech and Language Therapists to get #comfest'17 off the ground. ...
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Swan Hill Therapy and Training Hub
Drum roll please..... We are finally in and sorted (ish)!!
It's been a while since I've posted a blog, that's because we have been so, so busy getting the new place set up. It's taken a while but it's looking pretty good.
From this...
To this...
To this...
I still have to paint a wall and put my lovely moon and stars wall sticker up but that will happen over the summer holidays when I have a bit more time (in theory!)
As you can see my consulting room is aimed...
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If you or someone you care for/ support is at a loose end tomorrow, why not join us at #ComFest? We really cannot wait!!
We have had some amazing support this year from: Condover College, they are hosting and all the learners have been working hard to deliver flyers, make decorations, are helping on the day and Laura Conway has just put so much work in - thank you Laura; Tesco in Shrewsbury have been really amazing, they provided a space for us to meet in their great community r...
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Eeeek! Exciting times at Amica S,L & CC
So today this happened... I picked up the keys to our lovely new property in the centre of Shrewsbury. We are joining forces with Rhind Speech Therapy to create a lovely therapeutic space which will have large consulting rooms, a training room and a room that other health professionals can use on a sessional or daily basis.
We have the second floor of a beautiful Georgian building in the town, very close to the historic town walls and also The Quarry Park and gardens. More pictures to follow ...
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